Near-field microscopy-Plasmonics-Topological Phases of Matter
1. M. H. Carhart*+, Parker Fairfield*+, J. M. Merlo+, L. Thatcher, L. Merlo-Ramírez, Longitudinal One-Dimensional Mechanical Topological Insulator. Phys. Scr. 99, 115998 (2024).
J. M. Merlo, R. J. Ettinger-Finley, M. H. Carhart, F. Binny, L. Merlo-Ramírez, Simultaneous mapping of the magnetic field components using near-field microscopy. Journal of Optics 26, 025401 (2024).
J. M. Merlo, C. Rhoads, and M. Hoag Carhart, Anisotropic Generation and Detection of Surface Plasmon Polaritons Using Near-Field Apertured Probes. IEEE Phot. Jour.15, 5, 4800405 (2023).
Yitzi M. Calm, Luke D’Imperio, Nathan T. Nesbitt, J. M. Merlo, Aaron H. Rose, Chaobin Yang, Krzysztof Kempa, Michael J. Burns, Michael J. Naughton, Optical confinement in the nanocoax: coupling to the fundamental TEM-like mode. Opt. Express28, 32152-32164 (2020).
A. Rose, J. Dunklin, H. Zhang, J. M. Merlo, J. van de Lagemaat, Plasmon-mediated coherent superposition of discrete excitons under strong exciton-plasmon coupling in few-layer MoS2 at room temperature. ACS Photonics7, 1129–1134 (2020).
L. D’Imperio, A.E. Valera, J.R. Naughton, M.M. Archibald, J. M. Merlo, T.C. Connolly, M.J. Burns, T.C. Chiles, M.J. Naughton, An extended core nanocoax pillar architecture for enhanced molecular detection sensitivity. Biosensors and Bioelectronics134, 1 (2019).
C. Yang, J. M. Merlo, L. A. D’Imperio, A. H. Rose, Y. M. Calm, B. Han, J. Gao, G. Zhou, M. J. Burns, K. Kempa, M. J. Naughton, All-solution-processed micro/nanowires with electroplate welding as transparent conducting electrodes. Phys. Status Solidi1900010 (2019).
C. Yang, J. M. Merlo, J. Kong, Z. Xian, B. Han, G. Zhou, J. Gao, M. J. Burns, K. Kempa, M. J. Naughton, All-solution-processed, scalable, self-cracking Ag network transparent conductor. Phys. Status Solidi A, 1700504(2017).
M. Calm, J. M. Merlo, M. J. Burns, M. J. Naughton, From Airy to Abbe: quantifying the effects of wide-angle focusing for scalar spherical waves. Journal of Optics19, 105608 (2017).
J. M. Merlo, N. T. Nesbitt, Y. M. Calm, A. H. Rose, L. D’Imperio, C. Yang, M. J. Burns, K. Kempa, M. J. Naughton, Wireless communication system via nanoscale plasmonic antennas. Scientific Reports6, 31710 (2016).
J. M. Merlo, V. Coello, R. Cortés, J. F. Aguilar, A. Flores-Rosas, Influence of the probe-sample interaction angle on image formation in apertureless scanning near field optical microscope. Modern Physics LettersB28, 1450205 (2014).
J. M. Merlo, A. Flores-Rosas, D. Antonio-Torres, J. A. Reyes-Avendaño, S. Mendoza-Vazquez, Resonance frequency as a function of the time needed by epoxic glue to fix a probe. Rev. Mex. Fis.60, 142 (2014).
J. M. Merlo, J. F. Aguilar, E. Martí-Panameño, R. Cortés, V. Coello, Angle dependence of the interaction distance in the shear force technique. Rev. Sci. Inst.82, 083704 (2011).