The department colloquium is a series of talks given by mathematicians and statisticians aimed at an undergraduate audience. Everyone is welcome to attend!
Spring 2025 Schedule
Date | Speaker | Affiliation |
Friday, January 31st | Austin MBaye | Northeastern University |
Friday, February 21st | Jamie Juul | Colorado State University |
Tuesday, February 25th | Andrew Schultz | Wellesley College |
Monday, March 24th | Tim Goldberg | Lenoir–Rhyne University |
Thursday, April 17th | Jinyoung Park | Courant Institute at NYU |
Wednesday, April 23rd | Becca Thomases | Smith College |
Quantifying Repetitive Motor Patterns in Autism with Sliding Windows and n-Persistent Scoring (SWnPers)
Austin MBaye
Northeastern University
Friday, January 31st
4pm Rocky 312
Stereotypical motor movements (SMMs) are repetitive behaviors commonly observed in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Traditional methods for analyzing these behaviors rely on subjective reports or manual video review, which are often inconsistent and labor-intensive. To overcome these limitations, we present a novel framework that integrates video-based pose estimation with Topological Data Analysis (TDA). Using Sliding Windows and n-Persistent Scoring (SWnPers), our method captures joint movements from video data, uncovering subtle, recurring structures that distinguish repetitive from non-repetitive behaviors. Tested on real-world datasets, this interpretable, accurate, and non-invasive approach offers new possibilities for early ASD detection and a deeper understanding of SMMs.
Fall 2024 Schedule
Date | Speaker | Affiliation |
Friday, September 20th | Ophelia Adams | University of Rochester |
Friday, October 4th | Jeff Goldsmith | Columbia University |
Tuesday, October 22nd | Dean Spyropoulos | Michigan State University |
Monday, October 28th | Zheng Bian | Clarkson University |
Thursday, November 14th | Joshua Snoke | RAND Corporation |
Friday, November 22nd | Ivan Cheltsov | University of Edinburgh |
Wednesday, December 4th | Nikolas Schonskeck | Rockefeller University |
An Introduction to Applied Algebraic Topology
Nikolas Schonsheck
The Rockefeller University
Wednesday, December 4th
4pm Rocky 312
Over the last 10-20 years, applications of topology to fields such as neuroscience, genomics, and data analysis have exploded in number. The most recent conference on applied topology in Oxford drew hundreds of participants from all over the world. In this talk, we will provide an introduction to how algebraic topology can be used to find the “shape of data” and how that shape can encode information that would otherwise be inaccessible. We will begin by introducing some of the main tools from algebraic topology used in modern topological data analysis such as simplicial and persistent homology. Time permitting, we will then apply these tools in the context of neuroscience and explore how neural circuits learn to represent topologically complex coding patterns. This talk is aimed at a broad undergraduate audience. No familiarity with topology will be assumed.
Which Cubics Admit Rational Parametrization?
Ivan Cheltsov
University of Edinburgh
Friday, November 22nd
4pm Rocky 312
Every day we deal with geometric objects defined by algebraic equations (circles, parabolas, hyperbolas, splines, spheres, hyperboloids, etc). In many applications, we have to parametrize them using the simplest possible functions: rational functions in several variables. To find such a parametrization may be tricky. This is a classical problem; Pythagoras found a rational parametrization of the circle when he found Pythagorean triples, and the same approach gives explicit rational parametrizations of the sphere or any geometric object given by one quadratic equation. In more complicated cases, the problem can be difficult. Quite often rational parametrizations do not exist. For example, most planar cubic curves cannot be parametrized by rational functions (the proof for the Fermat cubic curves follows from Euler’s proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem for exponent 3). In this talk, I will focus on the existence of rational parametrizations of cubics–geometric objects defined by one equation of degree 3.
Fake Data? Generating Synthetic Data for Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing
Joshua Snoke
RAND Corporation
Thursday, November 14th
3:30pm Rocky 300
Researchers and agencies who collect data often want to share the data for purposes of education, training, or expanding research opportunities. The creation of synthetic data, i.e., simulated data generated to contain similar properties to the confidential data, has become a popular approach for sharing versions of the data while preserving privacy. This talk will cover some of the common methods used for generating and evaluating synthetic data, highlighting the benefits and drawbacks. I will then present recent work on the development of synthetic data methods for survey data, which contain additional complexities such as multiple levels of observations, non-proportional sampling, and survey weights. These methods are used in an application to synthesize the Longitudinal Aging Study in India (LASI), a panel study of key economic, social, and health characteristics of India’s older population.
Mean-field and Fluctuations for Hub Dynamics in Heterogeneous Random Networks
Zheng Bian
Clarkson Center for
Complex Systems Science
Monday, October 28th
4pm Rocky 310
As a leaf falls slowly but almost surely, numerous microscopic collisions with air particles compose their erratic movements into the macroscopic symphony of the wind. This is a vivid example of the mean-field—an effective description of high-dimensional dynamics by a low-dimensional system. In a large network, where units evolve and interact with their neighbors, we describe the behavior of a hub—a very well connected unit, in terms of the mean-field, subject to statistically controlled fluctuations. More detailed insights will be presented in this talk, including a scaling relation between network size and frequency of large fluctuations, the network size induced desynchronization, and the Gaussian statistics of the fluctuations. Time permitting, we will also state the Theorems behind these phenomena and give hints to the proofs.
Studying 3-manifolds via Knots
Dean Spyropoulos
Michigan State University
Tuesday October 22nd
4pm Rocky 307
A 3-manifold is a topological space which, at any given point, looks a lot like the space in which we live. One reason to care about knots is that we can produce (many!) 3-manifolds from them. After getting comfortable with this correspondence, I’ll describe a situation in which we can promote a knot invariant to a 3-manifold invariant. The key ingredients are particular objects which unite representation theory and low-dimensional topology, called Jones-Wenzl projectors.
Wearable Devices in
Public Health Research
Jeff Goldsmith
Columbia University
Friday October 4th
4pm Rocky 310
In the last ten years, technological advances have made many activity- and physiology-monitoring wearable devices available for use in both clinical trials and large-scale epidemiological studies. This trend will continue and even expand as devices become cheaper and more reliable. These developments open up a tremendous opportunity for clinical and public health researchers to collect critical data at an unprecedented level of detail, while posing new challenges for statistical analysis of rich, complex data. This talk will present a collection of examples and analysis approaches that use accelerometer data, including activity classification; identifying and interpreting variability in activity trajectories; building regression models in which activity trajectories are the response; and understanding shifts in the circadian rhythms that underlie the timing of activity. We’ll draw on several applications, including the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging and data collected through the Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health.
p-Adic Numbers
Ophelia Adams
University of Rochester
Friday, September 20th
4pm Rocky 310
In casual conversation, “numbers” usually mean the real numbers, which have a familiar
feel as the numbers of measurement. The mathematical constructions–first appearing
in the 19th century–that put them on a more rigorous foundation situate them in a
particular way, as completions, relative to the rational numbers. In this talk, we will
explore the p-adic numbers, a central object in modern number theory. These are a
similar-but-stranger kind of numbers which may also be constructed as a completion
of the rational numbers, but were not discovered until the early 20th century.
Curiously, centuries and millennia before the developments above, mathematicians (in
many dierent times, cultures, and places, for reasons both pure and applied) came
close to discovering the p-adic numbers. We will trace one of these imagined
developments to motivate and construct the p-adic numbers ourselves, study their
properties, and indicate how they, and the considerations which could have led to
their earlier discover, anticipate other modern developments in mathematics and
nearby fields.
Spring 2024 Schedule
Date | Speaker | Affiliation |
Tuesday, March 26th | Phanuel de Andrade Mariano | Union College |
Tuesday, April 9th | Anna Pun | CUNY Baruch College |
Friday, April 26th | Leo Goldmakher | Williams College |
Some Fascinating Characters in Number Theory
Leo Goldmakher
Williams College
Friday, April 26th
3pm Rocky 312
Are there infinitely many primes of the form n^2+1, where n is an integer? No one knows. In fact, there’s no example of any (single variable) polynomial of degree 2 or greater that’s been proved to output infinitely many primes. By contrast, the linear polynomial n+1 outputs infinitely many primes, a fact that’s been known for over 2000 years. Rather less trivially, Dirichlet proved in 1837 that any linear polynomial of the form an+b with a, b coprime must output infinitely many primes. To make his proof work, Dirichlet introduced certain nice functions called characters, which evolved (over the course of the next hundred years) into fundamental objects of study in algebra and number theory. I will discuss some of the history and mathematics of Dirichlet’s characters, including a very recent and simple characterization of them that seems to have been previously overlooked.
The Magic of Tableaux:
Exploring the Wonders of
Algebraic Combinatorics
Anna Pun
CUNY Baruch College
Tuesday, April 9th
3pm Rocky 312
Tableaux are one of the most fundamental and versatile objects in algebraic combinatorics, as they can encode and connect various concepts and structures in the field. In this talk, we will start with the definition and properties of Young tableaux, which are graphical representations of partitions of integers. We will then see how tableaux can be used in algebra: their connection to symmetric functions and partition algebras; how they can be related to various combinatorial operations, such as the RSK-algorithm and the Jeu-de-taquin procedure; and how they can give rise to various combinatorial structures, such as lattice paths, vacillating tableaux, and parking functions. We will also explore some variations of tableaux, such as composition tableaux and set-valued tableaux, and discuss some interesting problems and conjectures that arise from them. We will conclude with some open questions and directions for future research on tableaux and their applications in algebraic combinatorics.
The Hot Spots Problem
Phanuel de Andrade Mariano
Union College
Tuesday, March 26th
3pm Rocky 312
Consider a perfectly insulated 1-dimensional rod, or a 2-dimensional plate, or better yet, a 3-dimensional room. Perfectly insulated means that heat cannot escape this room. The Hot Spots Problem asks about what happens to the location of the “hot spots” and “cold spots” of this insulated body over a long period of time. To understand this problem we will introduce the equation that describes the evolution of heat over time. Moreover, we will discuss what is known (and not known) about this problem. We end the talk by discussing the connection between the Hot Spots Problem and Probability theory. In particular, this connection will be through a theory of random particles called Brownian motion.
Fall 2023 Schedule
Date | Speaker | Affiliation |
Tuesday, October 3rd | Colin Adams | Williams College |
Wednesday, October 11th | Pablo Soberón | CUNY Baruch College |
Thursday, October 26th | Joe Kraisler | Amherst College |
Thursday, November 2nd | Karen Parshall | University of Virginia |
Thursday, November 16th | Colby Kelln | Cornell University |
The Mathematics of Tilings
Colby Kelln
Cornell University
Thursday, November 16th
3pm Rocky 203
Imagine we are hired to tile an infinitely large bathroom floor. What tile shapes could we use? We will use math to explore and refine this question to make sure that our client is happy with our plans before we start laying grout.
Growing Research-Level Mathematics in 1930s America: An Historical Paradox
Karen Parshall
University of Virginia
Thursday, November 2nd
3pm Rocky 300
World War I had marked a break in business as usual within the American mathematical research community. In its aftermath, there was a stirring sense of entering into “a new era in the development of our science.” And then the stock market crashed. Would it be possible in such newly straitened times to sustain into the 1930s the momentum that American mathematicians had managed to build in the 1920s? This talk will explore the contours of an answer to that question.
Topological Insulators
and the SSH Model
Joe Kraisler
Amherst College
Thursday, October 26th
3pm Rocky 300
Electronic band theory was one of the early 20th century achievements of quantum mechanics and placed solids into three categories: conductors, semiconductors, and insulators. However, starting in the 1980s with the discovery of the Quantum Hall Effect, a new phase of matter known as Topological Insulators (TIs) were theorized and eventually realized. These materials act as insulators in the interior, or bulk, while allowing electrons to freely move along the boundary, or edge, of the material. Additionally, there is a relationship between the a) number of states which exist on the boundary and b) a property of the interior which is protected under small defects. This relationship is often referred to as the Bulk-Edge Correspondence.
We will study the simplest example of a 1 dimensional topological insulator, the SSH (Su-Schrieffer-Heeger) model of polyacetylene, and prove the bulk edge correspondence for this particular system. No previous physics knowledge is required.
Art Galleries, Voting Theory, and Convex Sets
Pablo Soberón
CUNY Baruch College
Wednesday, October 11th
3pm Rocky 310
The study of intersection patterns of convex sets is a central topic in combinatorial geometry. In this talk, we will discuss the applications of this area to two different topics: art galleries and voting theory.
In art gallery problems we seek conditions on the blueprint of an art gallery that guarantee that few guards can keep every painting safe. In voting theory, given a group of people such that every person has an interval of tolerance in different topics, we seek conditions that guarantee that all such intervals overlap. We focus on connections of these two topics with quantitative Helly theorems, which characterize finite families of convex sets whose intersection is not only non-empty, but quantifiably large.
Blown Away:
What Knot to do When Sailing
Colin Adams
Williams College
Tuesday, October 3rd
4pm Rocky 203
Being a tale of adventure on the high seas involving great risk to the tale teller, and how an understanding of the mathematical theory of knots saved his bacon. No nautical or mathematical background assumed!