Tuesdays on zoom 11:05-12:20pm

Limit: 20

Presenter: Marcy Heidish Dolan

“If peace was something we could breathe, we would close our eyes and savor the precious air….” So writes Cristina Norcross, joining others who address this prized quality. Peace: Wanted by most, captured by few. The poetic form seems ideal for expressing what seems inexpressible — but clarified by the searches of gifted poets. This course will explore peace as approached in accessible poetry by outstanding authors: Ted Kooser, Wendell Berry, Ada Limon, Billy Collins, Mary Oliver and more. Through readings and discussion, we will concentrate on personal peace and how poets show us how they seek it.

All readings will be photocopied and distributed to class participants one week prior to each class. Suggested readings may include Thirst by Mary Oliver and The Rain in Portugal by Billy Collins.

Marcy Heidish Dolan is the author of eighteen books: poetry, fiction and nonfiction. She has taught creative writing and literature at Georgetown, George Washington, and Fordham universities, as well as the Vassar College Lifelong Learning Institute. Marcy is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts grant, a Schubert fellowship and other awards. She and her husband are long-time residents of Washington, D.C.