Submission: Please visit this form to submit your presentation by Oct 4 (but first read the details below):
Google Form to submit talks and poster presentations
Length: Talks by single presenters are 8 minutes in length, with an additional 4 minutes for questions. Talks by groups are 12 minutes in length.
Poster presenters can present a single-slide summary of their poster. Poster summaries are limited to 1 minute.
Deadline: Please upload your presentation file by October 4 before you depart for the symposium.
Talk presenter instructions: Please upload your full multi-slide presentation below. This presentation will be found on the presentation machine in Sanders Classroom when you give your talk on 2019 October 5.
Poster presenter instructions: Please upload your single-slide introduction. This presentation will be found on the presentation machine in Sanders Classroom when you give a very brief introduction to your poster on 2019 October 5. Poster board sizes TBA.
Multiple submissions: If multiple submissions are received by the submission deadline, the most recent will be used.
Applications and File Types: A PowerPoint application file is nominally expected for slides. If this is problematic and you require other applications, file types, or presentation arrangements, those will be evaluated individually. Please see the Questions section below.
Filename formats: Please use the filename format FirstnameLastname-talk.ppt[x], FirstnameLastname-poster.ppt[x], etc.
Backup: Please also bring a backup of your presentation file on a portable USB drive as insurance.
Questions: Contact Professor Colette Salyk ( with any questions regarding this form and uploads.