
Taking the Time to Say Thanks!

My thesis has been both a stressful and joyous process. I have learned a lot, both about my topic, but also about research, website building, writing, and myself. I want to take this opportunity to thank those who have helped me along the way:

First and foremost, I want to thank my parents for their endless support and encouragement. 

Next, I would like to thank my advisor, Professor Dara Greenwood, for working with me and acting as an invaluable resource to me throughout this process. 

To the other students in my thesis group: Delilah, Eli, and Janet. Being able to bounce ideas off of peers greatly helped me work through my project. It was motivating and energizing to hear your progress along the way throughout the year.  Also congratulations on finishing your theses as well!!

To my brother, for helping keep me sane. Thanks man. 

To all my friends who kept encouraging me and assuring me that my project is not only interesting but important. 

To the rest of my family members for being all around great and supportive.

Thanks to Izabella for taking the time out of her busy schedule to work with me on this project and for all of the wonderful insight she was able to provide.

And a special thanks to me! I did it! Yay 🙂