Daniel’s First Post – Fishkill Farms – #ES291

My name is Daniel Gutowski. I am a senior at Vassar College with a major in economics and a minor in philosophy. This semester I am taking a course titled Field Experiences in the Hudson Valley with legendary professor Leonard Nevarez. Each week we will be visiting various locations throughout the Hudson Valley and learning more about the region’s amenity economy. Despite growing up in the Hudson Valley, I am already learning so much that I did not know. Keep your eyes peeled for more photos of my adventures on my Instagram @danielgutowski .

This past Friday I had the pleasure of meeting Josh Morgenthau, co-owner of Fishkill Farms. He discussed sustainability as well as his company’s direct-to-consumer approach. This year, Fishkill Farms marked its 102nd anniversary. When asked to reflect on his farm’s success, Josh cited two factors: the farm’s proximity to New York City, and finding the perfect medium between quality and affordability.

Fishkill Farms Peaches

Fishkill Farms Peaches

Josh Morgenthau

Josh Morgenthau

Apple Tree at Fishkill Farms

Apple Tree at Fishkill Farms


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