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Archive for the 'Other' Category

Solange’s Story

Solange Boucher, a rising 7th grader at Vermont Catholic School in Barre, Vermont, shows us the power of perseverance and good will  as she set up a fundraiser at her middle school to help raise money for children in Chermaitre. Age does not matter when you’re trying to make a difference!  My name is Solange, […]


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A Full Summer with VHP

Alex Ciucu ’12 writes about VHP’s summer sales and the preparations for next year’s projects. Although it is the middle of July, the Vassar Haiti Project volunteers still have their hands and minds full with work for the benefit of Haiti! We kicked off the summer on a high note, by organizing the annual Vassar […]


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  Claudia Sanchez, 2011 Alumna (Co-President 2010-11)  It seems like changes are happening all at the same time for VHP. After a year away from the project, and following a very involved career in it, it is a very odd feeling to go back and see the project in action without you. I always expected […]


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VHP in the Misc

Click here to read about VHP in Vassar’s student newspaper, The Miscellany News!


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Cindy Fung ’14, co-vice president for programming, was one of fourteen VHP members who went to Haiti over spring break. Below, she explains an unexpected lesson the trip offered her. Cindy will present this reflection as part of an opening speech in a VHP meeting with the Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotary Club tomorrow morning. Our four days […]


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Click here for more photos and information (from Robyn Yzelman ’15) on how VHP’s Vassar After School Tutoring program is progressing!  


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The Vassar Haiti Project is proud to announce its 11th annual Haitian Art Exhibition, Auction and Sale! Stop by the College Center MPR this weekend, see Haitian paintings and handicrafts for sale, and find out more about our (new) initiative donation opportunities. This is VHP’s biggest campus event of the year– come join us! Sale […]


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We’re back!

After three drives, two flights, and some wonderful sleep, we’re back at Andrew and Lila’s house.  Our pajama-clad troop is now eating Andrew’s buttermilk pancakes, and we’re back to work naming paintings. The last part of our trip was very eventful, with us spending a few days in Cap Haitien, and even squeezing in a […]


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The Latest from Chermaitre

VHP members have been busy in Chermaitre! Below, VHP Co-president Fiona Koch ’12 details their most recent work, from meeting with village leaders, teachers, and focus groups, to running a clinic in Fierville. The gang is back in a warm and windy Cap Haitien after spending five intense and overall very successful five days/nights in […]


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Updates from Haiti

More news from VHP members in Haiti. Remember to check back for regular updates on their trip. We’ve had quite a journey these past few days in Cap Haitien and Gros Morne. In the Cap, we had the opportunity to meet Pere Noe, an amazing man who does great work for Haiti. He has built […]


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