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Archive for the 'Other' Category

[Les Petits Chanteurs sporting Vassar Haiti Project sweatshirts] The VHP was thrilled to have Les Petits Chanteurs and chamber ensemble, a group of Haitian singers and musicians, perform on campus!  Les Petits Chanteurs sang to an audience of about 500 in the Vassar College chapel on Friday, September 24th.  At intermission the group was presented […]


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Art drives the Vassar Haiti Project.  Members of the VHP are lucky enough to constantly be working with colorful paintings and handicrafts that capture Haitian vibrancy.  Haiti’s creative, artistic culture extends past the visual arts, though.  Music is an essential, even more accessible form of artistic expression that Haiti prizes.  This weekend, in a very […]


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Old VHP members, new VHP members, prospective VHP members, and recently-christened members of the VHP mailing list from the activities fair, take note!  In fact, even if you don’t fall into any of those categories– even if you slept through the activities fair– take note anyway!  The VHP’s first meeting of the year will be […]


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Now that fall semester in full swing,  the VHP is getting geared up for another great year.  One of the easiest ways to find out about what we do is to come by the Vassar Campus Activities Fair.  Learn about our organization, chat with current members, and get your name on our e-mail list.  We […]


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Viva Haiti, Viva Music!

A Message from Lila and Andrew Meade: Dear VHP’ers: Saturday night’s concert is forever etched in our hearts. We’d thank all the VHP’ers who came to host the event, to Crystal Tung, Joe Brichacek and Kristen Meade who coordinated all the efforts in getting people to the concert, to Livia Dinu for organizing the front […]


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Buy Music to Help Haiti

In the weeks since the earthquake, many celebrities have stepped up to help relief efforts. The Huffington Post has collected the best charity singles for Haiti. You can vote for your favorite, then purchase it to help relief efforts. Check it out here.


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“We are the world


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Tears for Haiti

About a week ago, a composer, Cynthia Kendall, contacted us to ask if she could use Haitian art from our website to accompany a soulful piano piece she had composed in reaction to the earthquake in Haiti. She wrote, “I struggled with what images to use of Haiti, and in searching the web stumbled across […]


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