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Archive for the 'Other' Category

Haitian presidential candidates Josette Bijou, Gerard Blot, Garaudy Laguerre, and Wilson Jeudy have issued a formal request to delay national elections, scheduled for November 28th.  Citing Haiti’s recent cholera epidemic, the candidates asserted that the country’s dire health needs should be attended to before the distraction of national elections.   According to authorities, the elections will […]


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Create dangerously, for people who read dangerously.  This is what I’ve always thought it meant to be a writer. -Edwidge Danticat, Create Dangerously: The Immigrant Artist at Work Looking for a great weekend read?  Grab your library card and go check out Create Dangerously, Edwidge Danticat’s freshly-released book of compelling, thoughtful essays on Haiti.  Danticat is […]


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Haiti’s presidential elections are scheduled for November 28th, and the current front runner is former First Lady Mirlande Manigat.  With the intent to speed up earthquake recovery efforts, rehouse displaced Haitians, and ensure universal education, Manigat might be just the charismatic woman for the job. Read more about Manigat and the Haiti’s upcoming elections from […]


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Scenes of Haiti’s recent cholera epidemic are posted on the websites of Doctors Without Borders and TIME Magazine.


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On Friday, Category 1 hurricane Tomas hit the low southwestern edge of Haiti.  Heavy rains flooded refugee camps where earthquake victims still remain (in some places, refugees were left wading through 2-3 feet of water), and powerful 85-mph winds damaged buildings in the area.  Seven deaths were reported, though the Haitian government had issued warnings […]


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Created with flickr slideshow from softsea. Last week, the VHP was delighted to bring a slice of Haitian culture to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) Annual Meeting in at the Hilton hotel in New York City.  From Tuesday, October 26th through Friday, October 29th, trusty VHP volunteers commuted from Poughkeepsie to […]


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Rode d’Enfant, Reynald Joseph Who’s behind the artwork that the VHP sells and displays?  In this new blog feature, you’ll have the chance to learn a little bit more about the spectrum of artists whose work is presented by the VHP.   These artists come from a broad range of backgrounds, and their biographies are as […]


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A recent cholera outbreak in Port-au-Prince is prominently featured in The New York Times today. Nonetheless, aid workers are remaining hopeful that the disease can be contained.


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VHP member Ling Hu reflects on meeting and speaking with Dr. Paul Farmer at the 24th annual Eleanor Roosevelt Center at Val-Kill Medal Ceremony. Thinking about what to ask Dr. Farmer, at first I wanted him to give me the fastest solution, some holy grail of eradicating poverty and creating sustainable growth in Haiti.  When […]


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Last Saturday, ten members of the VHP were fortunate enough to attend the 24th Eleanor Roosevelt Center at Val-Kill Medal Ceremony. This ceremony is held annually to honor those who, in the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt, are serving their communities in exceptional ways locally, nationally, and internationally. Among the five individuals (and one organization) receiving […]


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