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Archive for the 'Other' Category

YWCA Reception

Last Thursday (February 17th), a wine and cheese reception was held for our art sale at the Greenwich, CT YWCA (February 1st- 25th).  Cindy Fung ’14, one of the four VHP members who attended the reception, recaps the event. Outside the room where Haitian paintings were mounted, we set up two tables to display and […]


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The Vassar Haiti Project held its first meeting/stretching party of the semester on last Friday, February 4th. It was a well-attended meeting; plans were laid out, paintings were stretched, committees were signed up for and a lot of pizza was eaten. Since it was my first meeting, I learned to stretch paintings and although I […]


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The following post is an update on VHP’s reforestation initiative, by  Co-President Claudia Sanchez ‘11. We have received the first photographs of our reforestation initiative from our partners in Chermaitre! Thanks to our various fundraising efforts, which include dinners, musical soirees and our very successful Reforestation Run, we have been able to collect enough funds […]


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Rooster Morning, Renee Haspil On January 20, VHP members attended Renewal and Rebirth: A Fundraiser for Haiti, hosted by Vassar alumna Diana Schaffner and the Disaster Relief Network of Fordham Law School. Laura Livingston ’12, one of the VHP members who was present, describes the event. The thoughts and feelings behind the event “Renewal and […]


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Baby Doc Back in Haiti

Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier’s surprise return to Haiti last Sunday has caused a stir in the country and the international community. Succeeding his father François “Papa Doc” Duvalier, Jean-Claude Duvalier served as Haiti’s dictator until he was driven away in a popular uprising 25 years ago.  Since then Duvalier has remained in exile in France, […]


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The Red Suitcase

A few weeks ago, in response to the Haitian cholera epidemic, the VHP sent out a call for help to Dan Katz, MD requesting emergency medical supplies to send to Haiti.  Katz responded  immediately, arranging for a donation of 100 IV kits for rehydration and 600 doses of Cipro, an antibiotic that diminishes the effects of […]


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Created with flickr slideshow from softsea. The VHP spent the second saturday of the month (December 11th) in Beacon, NY participating in Beacon’s Second Saturday event for the very first time.  We displayed and sold paintings, handicrafts, and newly minted Roots for Haiti reforestation  gift certificates. With the outstanding work of our volunteers and the generous […]


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Wondering when and where you can catch the VHP next? This weekend, at Beacon’s monthly Second Saturday event! The VHP will be exhibiting and selling Haitian art and handicrafts to raise money for Haiti’s current cholera epidemic. This is an excellent opportunity to purchase a painting as a gift for a loved one (or a […]


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Created with flickr slideshow from softsea. To the runners, sponsors, volunteers, and supporters of the VHP Reforestation Run: thank you! With your help this weekend the VHP raised over $1,700 to plant trees in Haiti, a country that’s 98% deforested. About 50 runners (and walkers!) participated, each contributing at least $10 worth of sponsorship money […]


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[Raymond LaFaille, Flame Tree Collections] The Vassar Haiti Project is sponsoring a run to help raise money to plant trees in Haiti! Haiti is nearly 98% deforested, making the soil unsuitable for agriculture, and leading to dangerous and destructive landslides. Reforestation is an essential step in building self-sufficiency and sustainable development in Haiti. Our event consists of […]


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