First General Body Meeting/Stretching Party
February 10, 2011 by admin
The Vassar Haiti Project held its first meeting/stretching party of the semester on last Friday, February 4th. It was a well-attended meeting; plans were laid out, paintings were stretched, committees were signed up for and a lot of pizza was eaten. Since it was my first meeting, I learned to stretch paintings and although I still can’t do one entirely on my own, everyone (especially Sebastian) was really helpful. I liked the meeting so much that I decided I was coming back and signed up to write with Annie and Nana for the blog on a whim.
The atmosphere at the meeting was great. After the opening remarks by Lila and Andrew Meade and introductions by everyone in the room, co-president Samin Shehab ‘11 recapped a few events from last semester. Lots of old and new faces were present and I was surprised by how friendly everyone was. I’m looking forward to this Friday’s meeting already. The VHP meets on Fridays at 5:30 in the College Center MPR—feel free to stop by and join us if you can.
I’m really excited to see where Annie, Nana and I go with the blog this year. I look forward to reading your comments and questions. In related news, we’re working on starting up a twitter account now! Follow us at . Have a great week everyone!
WELCOME TO THE VHP, Sopriye. We are so happy that you are on board with us! Your thoughts and ideas are cherished by us!
I loooooooooooooove your blog…..welcome (home)
Thank you sooo much!!!