Mirlande Manigat: The Lady Haiti Needs?
November 16, 2010 by admin
Haiti’s presidential elections are scheduled for November 28th, and the current front runner is former First Lady Mirlande Manigat. With the intent to speed up earthquake recovery efforts, rehouse displaced Haitians, and ensure universal education, Manigat might be just the charismatic woman for the job.
Read more about Manigat and the Haiti’s upcoming elections from TIME, RDNP (Haiti’s Progressive National Democrats) and the Miami Herald.
J’abite a carrefour et j’aimeras te rencontre j’etais dans tout tes compagne en Haiti en 2006, 2011 A L’eogane, carrefour, new york j’aimerais etre un menbre de l’organisation RDNP .Bientot je viendrais en Haiti en mois de Mai et j’aimarais t’aider. on va bataille dur pour que tu gagne