Tears for Haiti
January 23, 2010 by admin
About a week ago, a composer, Cynthia Kendall, contacted us to ask if she could use Haitian art from our website to accompany a soulful piano piece she had composed in reaction to the earthquake in Haiti.
She wrote, “I struggled with what images to use of Haiti, and in searching the web stumbled across your wonderful organization with the beautiful art on display from Haitian artisians. It would be wonderful to show Haiti as the Haitian people saw it and presented it through their art.”
This is the beautiful final product:
You can see more of Kendall’s work on her website.
What a beautiful piece of music, lovingly complimenting the stunning work of the Haitian artists… So moving…
Very beautiful and haunting.
Cynthia, everything you compose is so very beautiful. Will this song be on your next CD? Looking forward to it?
Such beautiful arts paired with sad yet inspiring piece of music from the heart… God Bless Haiti.
Very inspiring piece of music. Thank you Cynthia. We have just loaded my car with the artwork for the Haitian Art Sale we are having this Sunday at the Solomon Schecter School in Westchester NY. Getting very excited about it!!!
Thank you for your comments on my composition.
“Tears for Haiti” was featured during the UN Haiti Memorial Service held at the UN in NY. They asked me if they could use my piece in a video montage they played honoring the 101 UN staff members that died during the earthquake. This service was held today, March 10th, and attended by 1,000 people including the UN Secretary General, dignitaries from around the world, and families of the victims. The service was also broadcast to the UN offices around the world.
It was an honor to have my piece included in this service.