The Zhuangzi and His Interpreters


The “Butterfly Dream” is perhaps the most famous image from the Zhuangzi.

The Zhuangzi and His Interpreters is one phase of a long-term project that aims to make accessible the engaging and compelling commentaries of Lin Xiyi, a thirteenth century writer who drew on Confucian and Buddhist philosophies to interpret the Zhuangzi, one of the most crucial texts of Daoist thought. Lin’s reading of the text -synthesizing classical poetry with philosophical writings – was typical of Song dynasty scholarship; this practice revitalized the Daoist classics, keeping them widely influential not only among Daoist thinkers but also among Confucian and Chan Buddhist scholars in East Asia. The project, representing the first attempt to translate Lin’s writing into a Western language, will contribute new knowledge to the study of Daoist classics in Western scholarship. Apart from producing a translation of Lin Xiyi’s notes and commentaries, an accompanying translation of the Zhuangzi – as seen through Lin’s interpretation – will also be written.

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The first lines of the Zhuangzi describe a large fish named Kun. Here Lin Xiyi discusses introduces image.

My work began with reviewing and comparing prominent English interpretations of the key notions of the Zhuangzi with Lin’s, necessitating the close reading of the original text of the Zhuangzi as well as Lin Xiyi’s commentary, written in thirteenth century Chinese. From this, a comparative analysis of the extant translations was devised, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses with respect to accuracy, clarity, and accessibility as related to the understanding that Lin Xiyi provides. To create structure for the comparisons, key terms and images were selected from each of the first three chapters; short essays were synthesized that conducted detailed explorations of the terms from, contents of, and commentaries for each chapter.

Having read preexisting translations and studied both ancient texts, I began proofreading Professor Qiu’s translation of the Zhuangzi and Lin’s commentary, providing constructive feedback on the translation so as to convey the subtlety of the texts in English and to ensure the accessibility of the text to the general reader. The project will conclude with a paper that discusses the existing English interpretations of the key concepts in the first chapters of the Zhuangzi and what Lin Xiyi’s commentary has brought to light about these concepts.

Michael Norton ’14

Developing children’s movement awareness lesson series

This summer, I worked with Professor Palmer on Feldenkrais, a movement-learning method using awareness to improve human functioning. Movement without awareness does not promote learning; movement with awareness makes possible better function. Key features include remaining aware of one’s movement; varying movement through directed trial and error to find ease; noticing links between physical and emotional sensations; and taking brief rests between movements.

Although young, children already have movement habits that can be broadened by exploring a more full range of activity. Furthermore, this work helps anyone develop skill in self-reflection–an emergent skill in early childhood. Teachers express desire for anything useful to help young children self-regulate, be respectful of others, and listen well. Inspired by materials developed by Feldenkrais experts working with children, we designed an early childhood lesson series with the goal of providing teachers with additional tools for nurturing some of these skills in a holistic, multisensory manner. This approach will expand children’s abilities to attend and engage with others and accelerate developmental achievements such as self-regulation, empathy, and sense of competence.

We tested pilot lessons with 3-6 year olds at a summer camp. Lessons gave us practical feedback about how the lessons worked with this developmental range. During lessons, children acted out familiar stories; the children were equal to the challenge, excited by the lessons, and wanted more at the end of each lesson. For example, a Jack and the Beanstalk story invited children to imagine personal “bubbles” that were sometimes small and sometimes grew larger, allowing them to explore how to move around the room without bumping each other. Following the pilot, we refined and expanded the series to be flexible in time (e.g., 5-30 minutes) and detail. The designed progression follows a developmental sequence (e.g., hand-to-foot happens earlier than full body rotation), though lessons can be used individually or in different sequences.

This lesson series leads children to self-discovery and enables them to understand the next thing they are able to learn no matter the complexity of the task. Our goal is for children to awaken to themselves and cultivate the ability to learn and grow.

Faculty Mentor: Carolyn Palmer
Scholar: Patrick Gardullo

Framing Autism in U.S. Policy and Practice

Although the definition of autism has only existed for about seventy years, in the past few decades it has rapidly emerged as one of the most prominent and discussed disabilities in our modern society.  The reason for this spike in prevalence remains largely disputed, proposed contributions including broader diagnostic criteria, the decline of institutionalization, environmental factors, and increased understanding and recognition of the disorder.  Regardless of its causation, the autism community, comprised of autistic individuals and their allies, is growing; statistics estimate that 1 out of every 88 to 150 people fall on the autistic spectrum.  Despite the size of its community, autism spectrum disorder is also one of the most complex and fractured disability communities due to its contested debates on epidemiology, treatment, representation, and advocacy.


Through this Ford project, I had the opportunity to assist Professor Erin McCloskey in designing a new course on autism, cross-listed in the American Studies and Education Departments, to be offered this coming fall.  Because autism is a component of social identity and therefore both personal and political, the class will take a multidisciplinary approach to examining the condition, incorporating perspectives from the neurobiological, psychological, educational, political, and sociological sciences.  The objective of the course is to consider the impact and interactions between those various different perspectives, recognize their influence in our modern society’s perception of autism, and challenge those current perceptions.


Professor McCloskey and I spent the first part of this summer immersing ourselves in the wide variety of material on autism and gathering a diverse array of perspectives on major issues.  We then began to draft the progression of the course, using Stuart Murray’s book Autism, which integrate’s science and culture as a basic organizational text.  Students will also be exposed to autobiographies and personal narratives, guest speakers, films, and projects such as student-run panels and cultural representation analyses.  We will finish the summer by drafting lesson plans and working on the syllabus.  This class is intended not only to engage students in a “hot button” disability topic, but to foster greater understanding and respect for the individuals affected by U.S. autism policy and practice.


Caroline Locke ’14




Nelson Mandela and the History of 20th Century South Africa

For our Ford Scholars project, Professor Ismail Rashid and I designed a course on 20th century South Africa.  This course will be taught in fall 2013 for 100-level students using Nelson Mandela and his 1994 autobiography Long Walk to Freedom Long_Walk_to_Freedomas the primary point of entrance into South Africa in the 20th century. In many ways, Mandela, born in 1918, is the perfect guide for the study of 20th century South Africa.  As one of the most famous South Africans and one of the most influential figures of the time, Mandela’s unique life story touches on nearly all of the major events and themes of 20th century South Africa.

I began this project with a deep reading of Mandela’s autobiography, as well as surveying comparable courses from around the world as a way to identify the weekly topics that will form the backbone of the course.  Readings will include Mark Mathabane’s novel, Kaffir Boy, and Afrikaans poet Antjie Krog’s book on South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Country of My Skull.

I concluded the project by collecting film, photographs, and other media for student use, both in and outside of class.  Films to be included are the PBS documentary, Have You Heard from Johannesburg?; the multimedia project, Afrikaner Blood; and Deborah Hoffman and Frances Reid’s A Long Nights Journey into Day.  With most of the groundwork completed, I am looking forward to seeing how the course takes shape in the fall. ~Paul Clarke ’14

Limestone quarry where the high security political prisoners like Mandela were forced to do hard labor. The dust from the limestone caused lung damage and accounts for many of Mandela’s current health problems.

A young Nelson Mandela leaves Pretoria Courthouse following the dismissal of the state's case against him in the so-called Treason Trial.

A young Nelson Mandela leaves Pretoria Courthouse following the dismissal of the state’s case against him in the so-called Treason Trial.

The Mark of the Renaissance Printer

The printer's mark of Wynkyn de Worde, 1499.

The printer’s mark of Wynkyn de Worde, 1499.

The Mark of the Renaissance Printer is a project whose focus begins with the windows of the Thompson Memorial Library. The arched windows of the north and south wings, as well as those in the Class of 1951 Reading Room, contain printer’s marks – symbols developed during the 15th and 16th centuries to identify the printers of books and their printing presses.  Originally, eighty-two of these marks were installed in the library; today, due to renovation, only sixty-six remain. In 1917, librarians published a short pamphlet, which included only the names of the printers and their years of activity – leaving biographical information and historical context unknown and, in effect, inaccessible.

My aim has been to compile biographies for each printer, taking into account their progress and innovations in the art of printing, as well as their cultural involvements – both religious and political. Accordingly, the initial focus opens up from a study of Vassar’s own history into a tracing of both the development of printing and its lines of visual and cultural continuity and transmission. In addition to writing these biographies, and analyses of the marks themselves, I am publishing my entries to a website within Vassar’s Digital Library.

The digital portion of my project serves two purposes: the first, to enhance the digital archives that contain the visual artifacts of Vassar’s celebrated heritage; the second, to aggregate information into an accessible and comprehensive collection of historical data with corresponding bibliography. These components of my project belong to the growing field of the digital humanities, which explores the benefits of transferring materials and resources into more readily available domains.

Katherine Durr ’15

Adapting in a Time of Change: Reanalyzing the Susquehannock

The history of the Susquehannock Indians begins with their migration from Southern New York down the Susquehanna River looking for trade and ends with their demise in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Along the way, they gained the reputation of being giants, cannibals, and traders, along with killing other native groups they came into contact with.

My Ford summer research project with Dr. April Beisaw in the anthropology department and Michael Carraher, a geography major, focused on reinterpreting the history of the Susquehannock. We started with the questions 1) How did the Susquehannock react to a changing social environment?, and 2) How was this is reflected in their artifacts. In addition to reading site reports and papers about the Susquehannock, we took trips to museum archives and historical societies in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., and New York to examine artifacts found at sites linked to the Susquehannock.

A Susquehannock as depicted on Captain John Smith’s map of 1608.

A Susquehannock as depicted on Captain John Smith’s map of 1608.

I was specifically interested in the ceramic artifacts. When it comes to ceramics, there are specific design elements, such as overall vessel shape and decorative patterns, that can be examined to see patterns of interaction and cultural change.

Four pottery vessels showing variation in shape and decorative patterns.

Four pottery vessels showing variation in shape and decorative patterns.

Re-analyzing Susquehannock pottery with new social theory regarding how such artifacts reflect changing identity allowed us to remove previous biases inherent in the old story of the Susquehannock. It was a challenge to separate previous interpretations from my own data and create new understandings about a group of people based solely on objects. It was especially difficult to re-examine artifacts that have already been given a name and place within Susquehannock history.

Our research this summer is part of a new story about the Susquehannock that does not involve giants, cannibals, or murderers. It is a story about cultural adaptation and transformation in reaction to social and environmental change. More research and data analysis will be done in the future to further test this interpretation.

Sarah Mincer

Trust and Contract Design

This project consists of an experimental part and a theoretical part and it aims to examine the relationship between institutional trust, people’s trust for the society (the legal system in this case), and the contract designing process. For instance, this is intuitive to think that the more people trust the court, the more willing they are to make contracts, because they believe that contracts will be enforced and their interests respected. We want to test this idea and we do so by creating an experiment that mimics the contract making process.

The experiment involves an investor and an entrepreneur. The entrepreneur is tasked to offer a contract to attract investment. The investor would then choose whether and how much to invest based on her knowledge of the trustworthiness of the court and the entrepreneur. The game gets repeated in different combinations of the trustworthiness. By examining the contracts that the parties come to, we hope to find some patterns of behavior.

The game tree

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In the theoretical part of the project, we calculated the theory-predicted equilibrium contracts, and we found that in general, the entrepreneur would be better off offering a lower return and committing to following the contract than if she offers a high return and later on decides to break the contract.

The next step for the project is to add another treatment. If the entrepreneur paid something back to the investor in the last round, she would get a start in front of her name. We expect this reputation signal to affect the entrepreneur’s behavior, and in particular to make them more trustworthy.

The Mexican Drug War and Migration

Claire Oxford ’14

Sarah Pearlman & Sukanya Basu

For my Ford Scholars project, I am working on recoding data and analyzing the relationship between drug-related violence and migration in Mexico with Professors Sukanya Basu and Sarah Pearlman. Professors Basu and Pearlman are working on a paper that uses kilometers of federal toll highway in Mexico as an instrumental variable to measure violence-related migration. For the Ford project, I am assisting with research to break their state-level analysis down to a municipal level. Ultimately, the project is meant to show that using federal toll highway kilometers to instrument for changes in homicides, which they have shown is significant on a statewide level, works on a municipal level as well. Most of the data used for the project comes from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI). I collected municipal level homicide, population, and migration data. After downloading the data sets from INEGI, I created STATA do-files to merge the data and create dummy variables to use in regressions. Additionally, I created maps of Mexico that showed the geographic distribution of the violence; see Image 1 for an example of these maps. Furthermore, I assisted with additional research by reading contemporary economic papers also examining the drug-related violence in Mexico. Our initial results suggest that the relationship between drug-related violence and migration holds on a municipal level. Furthermore, we see that the highway kilometers instrument still works. We still have additional work to do in determining what controls we want to use and whether or not we want to look at the total homicides per capita in a municipality as a measure of violence, or if we want to look at the change in homicides as a measure of the increase in violence as a result of the war on drugs.

Figure 1

Welcome to Ford 2013!

Welcome to the Ford Scholar WordPress site for 2013!  Below is a calendar of the summer’s important dates, as well as the date for the Fall symposium.  Please note these dates:

Tuesday, May 28 — 10 am, Information Session in the Library Electronic Classroom

Tuesdays, June 4, June 18, July 2, 16, and 30  – URSI/Ford BBQs, 5 pm on Olmsted Lawn

Wednesday, June 19 – Ice Cream Social, 3-4 pm, Faculty Commons

Tuesday, July 9—Poster Workshop ,10-11:30 am; WordPress Workshop, 11:30 am-12:30 pm

Tuesday, July 16—Poster Workshop, 10-11:30 am; WordPress Workshop, 11:30 am-12:30 pm

Wednesday, July 17—WordPress posting of your 250-300 word project   summary plus 1 or 2 images that relate to your project posted to     

Tuesday, October 1—Students pick up posters from Media Resources

Wednesday, October 2—Ford Scholars Symposium, 4-6 pm, Vassar College Alumnae House