What’s up on Twitter with #SayNoToRacism?

For my hashtag topic, I chose “#SayNoToRacism.” I found two different tweets that are somewhat contradictive. (top and bottom) The tone of my first example is rather serious, putting together a valid argument for a hypocritical thing that occurs in everyday life. The tone of the last one is more passionate, with love and tender care for what he enjoys – soccer! Looking at these different usages, it’s apparent that a lot of emotion runs high in this topic! There is a very blatant contrast present here; the first user’s claim is apparent in everyday life, where prejudice runs rampant in modern media, though many people turn a blind eye to it, more aware of the symbolism of what is advertised. The other person (on bottom) is in favor of media coverage associated with the games, despite some of the outer issues involved in the media, that may or may not have racial profiling in some ads. Society is divided in opinions, and there are some actions out there that give good reasons why this is the case. This is a fundamental structure in modern society.


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