Technical Workshops

Please see current and past workshop programming below. Where possible, materials for past workshops are linked at the bottom of each workshop entry.

Current Semester Workshops

Introduction to Python for Data Science
February 21 3:30 – 5:00 PM, Sci Viz Lab

Python has become more and more popular for data maintenance, wrangling, visualization, and analysis. Do you want to see what all the fuss is about? This hands-on workshop will cover the basics of Python coding and will introduce some common data-focused packages. This workshop is suitable for novice coders as well as those with coding or scripting experience in other statistical software such as R or Stata. Computers available, however, if possible, please bring a laptop to the session.

Sponsored by Data Science and Society, led by Simon Hoellerbauer of DSS

Register Online:

Materials: Google Colab Notebook (to add this Colab notebook to your Google Drive, click on the hyperlink, then click File in the upper right corner, then Save a copy in Drive)

Introduction to Git and Github
March 22, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM, Sci Viz Lab

Tired of naming files final_draft_v12_comments_corrected_v10.docx? Git is a commonly used version control system that solves this exact problem and is especially helpful when collaborating with others. GitHub is one of the most popular home for Git-based projects on the internet. This workshop will introduce you to Git and GitHub. You will practice making commits, pushing, and pulling, but alone and in collaboration with others. Please bring a laptop to the session.

Sponsored by Data Science and Society, led by Simon Hoellerbauer of DSS

Register Online:

Introduction to R for Data Science
April 12, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM, Sci Viz Lab

R is a statistical programming environment commonly used in academia for creating data visualizations and doing statistical analyses in a more regimented manner. This workshop provides a basic overview of using R and RStudio (a common interactive development environment) for statistical analysis (please note that this workshop does not cover statistical concepts).This workshop is suitable for novice coders as well as those with coding or scripting experience in other statistical software such as SPSS or Stata. Computers available, however, if possible, please bring a laptop to the session.

Sponsored by Data Science and Society, led by Simon Hoellerbauer of DSS

Register Online:

Past Workshops