Discussion Forum in Moodle

The forum activity allows students and teachers to exchange ideas by posting comments as part of a ‘thread’. Files such as images and media maybe included in forum posts. The teacher can choose to grade and/or rate forum posts and it is also possible to give students permission to rate each others’ posts.

To add a forum you should turn on the editing and select it from the Activity chooser.

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Blogs in Moodle

Blogs are a form of online journal used by millions of people around the world for self-expression and communicating with family and friends. Blogs are usually organized as a chronological series of postings created by the author of the blog. Blogs usually are written by one person, although some blogs can be authored by groups of people.

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Creating an Assignment in which Your Students Record an Audio or Video Response

  1. Turn editing on and click on “Add an activity or resource” to create an Assignment.
  2. Give the assignment a name and enter the instructions into the Description area.
  3. Under “Submission types,” check the box for “Online PoodLL.”
  4. For “PoodLL Recording Type,” choose “MP3 Voice Recorder” or “Video Recorder.”
  5. Configure the other assignment settings as appropriate,
  6. Save.

(Note: You can also configure the assignment to allow the instructor to record audio or video responses to students’ submissions.)

How a Student Makes a Recording for your Audio or Video Assignment:

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Quizzes & Exams in Moodle

The Quiz activity module allows the teacher to design and build quizzes or exams consisting of a large variety of question types, including multiple choice, true-false, and short answer questions. These questions are kept in the question bank and can be re-used in different quizzes.

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Setting up a Zoom Meeting from within Moodle

Not noted in this video: If you’ve never used your Vassar Zoom pro account before, you should first go to one.vassar.edu and click on the Zoom icon, which will create your account. Then you can go on to set up Zoom meetings in Moodle.

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Using Explain Everything to record your lecture

Explain Everything is a tool for recording dynamic content on your screen, along with your spoken explanation. It’s especially popular to use on an iPad or other tablet, for instructors who need to write equations or draw diagrams.

CIS has a moderate number of licenses available for faculty. Contact the CIS Service Desk to ask about obtaining one.


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