The forum activity allows students and teachers to exchange ideas by posting comments as part of a ‘thread’. Files such as images and media maybe included in forum posts. The teacher can choose to grade and/or rate forum posts and it is also possible to give students permission to rate each others’ posts.
To add a forum you should turn on the editing and select it from the Activity chooser.
Please share your experience or suggestions about using this function…
The time zone for any timed Moodle activity is based on the location of the server, in our case, Poughkeepsie (currently EDT). So if you set the end time for midnight, that means midnight EDT.
If I want a forum to close at Friday on midnight, whose timezone will it close in? Moodle’s server timezone? Mine? Each student’s individually set timezone?
There does seem to be a rather short limit right now; we’re working to extend it.
I recorded a 30-minute lecture in the Forum, but found that it disappeared when I tried to upload it. A ten-minute lecture worked, but I was sorry to lose the earlier one. Is there a time limit for these videos in Forum?