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This site is a resource for Vassar faculty to learn more about techniques and technologies that could be used for teaching classes remotely. Many instructors are considering using the Zoom program to hold real-time (synchronous) video meetings with their classes. Moodle also provides many useful functions, such as the ability to manage asynchronous, text-based discussions. If you have lecture-type materials, you could also consider pre-recording those lectures and uploading them to your Moodle site. You can find details about doing all of these things here.

To navigate the content of this site, you should use the sidebar on your computer or the  at the top-right of the page on a mobile device 

You are also invited to add comments to share your experiences and ideas with your colleagues.

For technical assistance with any of these tools, please contact the CIS Service Desk. For help figuring out how to use these tools to meet your teaching needs, contact your Academic Computing liaison.


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