Category Archives: Uncategorized

All About Annissa

Hello!! I am Annissa! Also known as Tori!! I like Tori better though… This is a list that pretty much describes who I am ^_^!


  1. A swimmer/ Lady Pioneer
  2. Crew Team / Coaxswain / States 2014 Winner / Crew is Love, Crew is Life
  3. Cello
  4. Orange is the best color out there, other than teal…
  5. I hate chicken
  6. I love science and absolutely hate math
  7. I am deathly allergic to peanuts*
  8. I’m very lactose intolerant
  9. I want to visit Scotland / I love the accent
  10. I want to become an entertainer or Join the army / If those don’t happen i will become a homeless person

Rough Draft, The Feels PSA

Today, this public service announcement is all about the feels. But what exactly are feels?

Feels, short for feelings, is a worldwide epidemic attacking our youth. Occasionally, though, it can reach those of older generations.

The feels come about when a person hears, views or reads a moving piece, or tastes something delicious. Some examples of this may include, but are most definitely not limited to:

  • Titanic
  • The Notebook
  • The Fault in Our Stars
  • If I Stay
  • Where She Went
  • Lock and Key
  • Beysus (formerly known as Beyoncé)
  • Harry Potter
  • The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
  • Nutella & Mountain Dew
  • Sam Smith
  • Warm Bodies

Look, I could list twenty more feel-inducing things, but ain’t nobody got time fo that. The point is, feels are everywhere, are easy to catch unless you have no soul, and everyone can catch them. The best way to avoid them is to not live life to its fullest, but then you would be a square.

Next week : Beware of Squares!!


He Really Couldn’t But We Don’t Know Yet…

The Little Pirate That Could But Really Couldn’t

                                 Sharifa Daisley

There once was a pirate name Pete. Pete was lame. Yes he goes to pirate school and yes he lived on a boat, but he had no peg leg and no eye patch , and worst of all Pete had never found treasure. One day Pete went to Pirate school and got there late and found that Jake was bragging. Jake had battled a sea dragon. He described how it raged and how it breathed acidic foam, because he is a sea dragon and not a fire dragon. Pete snickered and rolled his eyes and Jake ain’t no punk. Pete acted brave and said, ”  I could top that!” and Jake said, “Prove it, pegless wonder, I dare you to go find the Ne_____ Treasure!” Everyone gasped. The Ne______ Treasure was ne____ found hence the unfinished name. Pete accepted the challenge and ran home with both legs to get his Pentacorn Carrot and their journey began….

                                    To Be Continued

Jacob Palome AKA Tom =^.^=

What ever was left of Tom died that night with that little girl all thats left now is Jacob.

When Tom was alive he liked to play TITAN FALL, MINECRAFT, OUTLAST, ASPHALT 8, HALO, and ASSASSINS CREED. Toms uncle got him a DS lite and Mario Cart for DS for his birthday and that kick started his gaming career. Tom had more hoodies than he could ever wear. Tom cant do pull ups. Rest in peace Tom. =^.^=


A few things that I love: TOM PETTY, german shepherds, BANANANANAS, ice cream (ice food), One Direction (my husbands), 5 Seconds of Summer, Bon Jovi, Neymar, Messi, Baseball/softball, soccer, pasta, ipods, RED (not the taylor swift album the color), THE BEST SUBJECT IS LUNCH, guitar and violin, laughing, and PUPPIES, and the yankees, and greek mythology.


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Taylor Bio

Hi, I’m Taylor Nevins. I go to Poughkeepsie High School and I’m a sophomore there. I take various advanced classes, including AP European History, Trigonometry, and Chemistry. I love to draw and design characters in their own world. I doodle a lot and like to think about the various scenarios I can put my characters in. One of my characters is Anko, a male peasant who lives in a tyrannous kingdom with  greedy king. He is a thief, who steals because he needs to get by in life with his family. He is saved from getting his hand cut off by a mysterious man who is executed a few days later. Anko is still alive in the present, and went back to his thieving ways even after he almost lost his hands.


All About Diamond White

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Hi my name is Diamond. Im in 6th grade and I am 11 years old. I like to sing, play with my friends, and play on my ipod. My favorite subjects in school are math and gym. My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate and my favorite topping is rainbow sprinkles. My favorite TV show is Shake It Up and my favorite actress is Zendaya Coleman.


This is my favorite song by Zendaya called Too Much.