Look away while watching.
^she’s kidding
Look away while watching.
^she’s kidding
Hello and welcome to my story about place and belonging, staring Dariona. I have five photos that really captured my attention. I feel they have many themes, like feeling alone and sad, being scared and trapped, and having a touch of confusion because I could easily identify the ideas within the sub-context.
For instance in the first picture it represents feeling out of place and alone. The little girl, Dariona, is by herself and kind of dirty, which shows her foster parents have abandoned her because they were treating her poorly.
In addition in pictures 1 and 2 both versions of Dariona are trapped. In one picture a girl is inside of a jar and trying to escape because someone put her in the jar, because of the lifestyle that she was living. She is trying to escape so she can be reunited with her family, after leaving her family because she was treated poorly. After she is reunited with her family, another unfortunate event happens. What has happened to our Hero, Dariona.
Dariona finds herself in a scary, mountain plateau nearby a lake of unknown depth, where the creatures are very protective of their turf. She was traveling to a new country because there was a war occurring in her home country, however when crossing the mountain peak; she felt total fatigue of the journey and decided to take a good old sleep. She was awaken by sliding rocks, to find the most scary beast in all the land, but before she could even scream the beast bellowed a roar and made her voice disappear. She couldn’t speak, so she decided to act by throwing a big rock in the beast’s mouth, too give Dariona time to flee and escape not only the War but the beast. However the beast was not done, because it still wanted its meal, spit the big old rock at her. Dariona being acute at listening heard the rock flying and ducked to avoid the rock, and crush the appetite of the beast. She made it clear of the war and the beast to start afresh, trying to put off the terrible memories of the lost of her family.
As for picture number 4, Dariona reinvents herself to be the opposite of her “goodie Two-shoes” life style. She wants to prove that she can be successful without the help of family to define herself to a lifestyle that can be seen as cool. Cool is skipping school, smoking and being part of the counter culture movement.
Dariona has grown up, she has isolated herself with the choices and the experiences she has gone through. As she reflects on the horror of her own family’s death. Her husband was shot in front of her for trying to stop the assassination of the president, but stood up to the CIA heroically, and rather spend the rest of his life in prison away from his children, he chose to make a stand to expose the corruption of the CIA. To protect her family, Dariona, took her family to the cabin in the woods to be safe. But as this is an abandoned cabin there was no food. Dariona being a good mother ran out to a market that happened to be being robbed at the same time. Dariona escaped through the back door, to find her Cabin’s door ajar. Creeping inside, Dariona spotted her children sitting in chairs with silvery knives to their necks being held by evil and deranged CIA Monsters. Sliding the blade across the necks of the kids, cause Dariona to lose all hope, and forced her hand to end every part of her new life with Fire.
–– written by Cadeejah