Story telling, Type racing and Music making

I worked on ironing the details on my story, and putting together a fresh garage band to share with my friends and to have a good time.

Also it was dreadfully hot in the room, so we cooled down with some type racing. Typing can really be improved with all the fun little online games.  Check it out  🙂

Gaby & Megan 10/28

Today, we decided to brainstorm about what we should film next week. At first we thought about maybe a video about drawing, or how to draw. However. a DIY also seemed like a lot of fun. We eventually settled on something a bit like both–kind of artsy but also teaching you how to do something. Next week, we plan to do a How To video on Lucky Stars.

Shamara and Evans’ Movie

This movie is cheese-tastic! They are home-made poems and they took a lot of work, so I hope that you enjoy them!


Also, here is a funny picture of me. It encompasses all the things that we’ve talked about this semester: meat, cheese, and fashion! If you want some good fashion advice, check out my blog at



Missed you today Taylor!

Hi Taylor,

Sorry that you couldn’t make it today!  But, we will continue in two weeks from now, when we are back from October break (so we aren’t meeting next Tuesday, October 21!)

Today, I worked with another student, Sean, who likes drawing and animation too!  I think you two could share tips as fellow animators and how to incorporate your artistic skills in this class.  We shall see 🙂

– Sarah



Katie and Simone 10/14

Today we planned our film! We are going to stage an alien talk show about Earth fashion, particularly the 90s and how 90s fashion still has influence today. So, Simone, Hanna, Kelsey, and I went around campus and took pictures of fashionable students so that we can analyze these pictures on the talk show and react as aliens would to these trends.



Talking to strangers can be awkward, but everyone we interviewed was really nice. Our alien talk show will comment on how todays youth is influenced by the 90s and how aliens would react to the style of American humans. It was also interesting seeing how everyone posed differently for the pictures. Im super excited to start filming next time!
