Author Archives: Nich S.

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About Nich S.

Fourth year Vassar college student working towards a Biology major and an English minor in race and ethnicity studies. I am also the Rugby team captain, and have nearly set the all time career scoring record.

Jacob Palome AKA Tom =^.^=

What ever was left of Tom died that night with that little girl all thats left now is Jacob.

When Tom was alive he liked to play TITAN FALL, MINECRAFT, OUTLAST, ASPHALT 8, HALO, and ASSASSINS CREED. Toms uncle got him a DS lite and Mario Cart for DS for his birthday and that kick started his gaming career. Tom had more hoodies than he could ever wear. Tom cant do pull ups. Rest in peace Tom. =^.^=

Nich’s Intro, “Who am I”


Who am I, is the big question that every person must answer and believe the answer that is generated.  I believe that I have come up with my answer.

I am a Vassar College student in his fourth year, or a senior.  I play sports at a high level, currently the sport that I am choosing to participate in is Rugby. Rugby is a sport that gets a bad rep for being really brutal, but I don’t think it is.  I find it a very controlled sport that gives a place for a very physical nature. I enjoy the sport quite a bit.

I came from Redondo Beach California, although currently my home is in New Jersey. I went to RUHS, a large Public high school with more than 2000 people.


I know who I am, now, do you know who you might be?