Author Archives: evmiller



These are some of my favorite things!

  • Food
  • School
  • Family
  • Technology
  • Pets
  • Shopping
  • Nature
  • Athletics
  • Pink (the color)
  • Wear accessories
  • Suspenders
  • Bow ties
  • Instagram

How I would describe myself using emojis! I like emojis because they are fun and you can express yourself through them.

🙂 :* 😀 :’D

My full name is Shamara Ameena Wethington Mizell. My name means “He who defines truthful and honesty.”


A few things that I love: TOM PETTY, german shepherds, BANANANANAS, ice cream (ice food), One Direction (my husbands), 5 Seconds of Summer, Bon Jovi, Neymar, Messi, Baseball/softball, soccer, pasta, ipods, RED (not the taylor swift album the color), THE BEST SUBJECT IS LUNCH, guitar and violin, laughing, and PUPPIES, and the yankees, and greek mythology.


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A bit about Evans

Evans Miller



My name is Evans Miller and I am a senior at Vassar College. I am 22 years old and am from Austin, Texas. Like most Texans, I love warm weather, so these New York winters I find to be pretty brutal. I study Psychology and hope to go to law school next fall. I transferred to Vassar my sophomore year and it was one of the best decisions I ever made.

Here is a video to get know a little bit more about me!