Author Archives: Baynard Bailey

About Baynard Bailey

Academic Computing Consultant

Podcasts, Audacity and a PSA


A)    Listen and analyze two PSA’s. Complete the analysis worksheet.


Example 2

B)    Brainstorm, then choose and write down your topic for your PSA.

C)    Choose and write down your intended audience.

D)    Compose a rough draft of your PSA. Please compose it in WordPress and make a post, using the category “PSA”. Revise as needed. Save and Publish before the end.

E)     Add the categories of both partner’s names to your post.

F)     Keep working on your PSA.


PSA Writing Tips:

  1. Capture your audience’s attention by asking questions directed especially to them.
  2. Stick to essential information.
  3. Use emotion to get your audience involved.
  4. Call the audience to action.
  5. Include contact information. Repeat difficult or key information.
  6. Read your script aloud.
  7. Include attention getting sounds.
  8. Have fun.
  9. Aim for 30 seconds (about 100 words).
  10. Revise as needed.
  11. Feel free to invent information in order to complete your PSA.
  12. Don’t get stuck.


G)    Add a related image to your PSA WordPress post.

H)    Record your PSA in Audacity if you have time.



eHow: How to Write a PSA

Scholastic PSA Lesson Plan\

in-depth PSA tips

Choose and write down your intended audience.

Tips on Preparing a PSA

Handout – psa+worksheet

Baynard’s Intro

Baynard's Profile Picture

Baynard Bailey

Baynard Bailey is an Academic Computing Consultant for Vassar College.

Baynard has a Master’s degree in Education with a focus on Instructional Technology. He taught for 16 years before coming to Vassar. He loves helping to develop multimedia projects in support of learning and teaching. He especially likes video and audio podcasting projects and anything Web 2.0 (blogs, wikis, & social networking).

Baynard ’90 is a product of Vassar’s education department. He has K-12 teaching experience in Indonesia, Japan and the United States. His last job before coming to Vassar was teaching Computer Science and Information Technology at Carver Center for Arts & Technology in the Baltimore County School System.