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Since the revolution, many changes have swiftly transformed Cuban society, through extensive programs aimed at various aspects of daily life. One of the most impressive changes is the shift in mindset that has apparently occurred regarding sexual rights and homosexual behavior. Considering that prior to the 1970s homosexuality was punishable by law in Cuba, acceptance […]

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Wherever we were in Cuba, the acronym “CDR” seemed to be too. It was sprayed onto sides of buildings, lampposts, and fences. Even on our rickety horse-drawn cart ride to the botanical garden outside Cienfuegos, deep in rural farmland, “CDR” made an appearance as a rock formation in front of a small run-down house. Many […]

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A fusion of African Yoruba and Spanish Catholic practices, Santeria is a spiritual tradition deeply entrenched in Cuban life. Born from early colonial slave culture, Santeria’s past has been both tumultuous- with its criminalization after the colonial period- and celebrated- in the 1980s the Cuban government declared several Santeria objects national heritage items and Santeria […]

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Believe it or not, there is a cultural transformation taking place in the hearts and minds of the Cuban people and it’s being spearheaded by the  younger generation.  Cuba still has a long way to go, as do Americans, in creating a country that is more sensitive to issues  of race, class, and gender- but […]

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Charmed as I was by the friendliness and wit of the Cuban people, again and again I found myself fascinated with a very different sort of Cuban native: the dogs.  I’d never seen so many stray dogs on the streets before, and certainly never seen them so well behaved. The dogs would look hopefully up […]

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During our afternoon of free time in Havana, I took the opportunity to visit the Museo de la Revolución in Old Havana. The museum is housed in what was formerly the official presidential palace for all Cuban presidents. Fulgencio Batista was the final occupant before the victory of the 1959 revolution. The palace is beautifully […]

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Spring Break is generally a time of relaxing; sun, surf, and sand are the three cliches that everyone looks for during the two weeks in March we have off. For almost 50 members of Vassar community, those three components of a successful Spring Break came with two weeks of cross-cultural interaction. I am talking of course about […]

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Even before our arrival in Cuba, there were already several images that I expected to come across during our trip. For the unaware outsider, vintage cars, Cuban cigars, and Che are just a few of the symbols that have come to represent an otherwise mysterious place. However, the one image that I was not prepared […]

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This long parade of architectural wonders, an array of decaying buildings with vivid colors faded with time, hold a certain beauty. Despite their flaws, and despite debatable conservation efforts, the buildings of Havana are sure to impress with some of the most diverse architectural styles in the world. As tired as I was from the […]

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When I first learned that art education is funded by the Cuban Ministry of Culture and students who study dance, music, theater, and visual arts are guaranteed a job as a teacher or professional artist, I thought: wow, the U.S has a lot to learn from Cuba. American states are cutting art classes from school […]

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