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Archive for May 1st, 2012

Bacardi in Cuba

Our hotel in Havana, the Plaza Hotel, was an impressive introduction to Cuba. Although we first arrived in the wee hours of the morning, tired as can be, I couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by the beauty of the hotel and the graciousness of the staff (serving us drinks, fruit, and sandwiches at that hour!). […]

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The Tiny Cubans

During the long hours of waiting at the Miami airport, on our way to Cuba, I discovered something about myself: I hate waiting. I was making my more patient friends anxious with my own restlessness.  One thing though that helped break the monotony was the appearance of a giant Rottweiler in line to be checked […]

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In early August of 2006, when it was announced that Fidel Castro was ill and he would be temporarily ceding power in Cuba to his brother Raul, celebrations erupted in Miami as the exile community awaited the “death of the dictator” and the inevitable collapse of his regime. Lisandro Perez, Cuban scholar from Florida International […]

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