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Archive for March 2nd, 2012

In a new society where female workers were seen as invaluable to the revolutionary cause, Cuban women were faced with what Julia E. Sweig refers to as the doble jornada or the double day. Women were expected to work hard during the day at their jobs and then come home at night and take care […]

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Coral reefs are fragile, slow growing but complex communities containing great biodiversity and serve as a source of food and habitat for marine life. Corals are able to thrive in nutrient poor water along the equator because they, the animal, hold a symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic algae (yes, a plant lives inside an animal!!). The […]

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Religion transcends all barriers. We’ve known that for quite some time. Taking for example the religion of Santeria ( The Way of The Saints) (Alvarez, 1997). It was bought over by the slaves from Africa over to the New World. Majority of these slaves who were practicing this religion were shipped straight to the Carribean. Some of these followers […]

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