Full Publication List

Last Updated 8/18/2016

*: Denotes an undergraduate researcher

Refereed Articles
  1. Morin BR, Perrings C, Kinzig A, Levin S. The social benefits of private infectious disease-risk mitigation. Theoretical ecology. 2015 Nov 1;8(4):467-79. (link)
  2. Kareva I, Morin B, Castillo-Chavez C. Resource consumption, sustainability, and cancer. Bulletin of mathematical biology. 2015 Feb 1;77(2):319-38. (link)
  3. Morin BR, Perrings C, Levin S, Kinzig A. Disease risk mitigation: the equivalence of two selective mixing strategies on aggregate contact patterns and resulting epidemic spread. Journal of theoretical biology. 2014 Dec 21;363:262-70. (link)
  4. Perrings C, Castillo-Chavez C, Chowell G, Daszak P, Fenichel EP, Finnoff D, Horan RD, Kilpatrick AM, Kinzig AP, Kuminoff NV, Levin S, Morin B, Smith K, Springborn M, Velasquez L, Villalobos C. Merging economics and epidemiology to improve the prediction and management of infectious disease. EcoHealth. 2014 Dec 1;11(4):464-75. (link)
  5. Morin BR, Fenichel EP, Castillo‐Chavez C. SIR dynamics with economically driven contact rates. Natural resource modeling. 2013 Nov 1;26(4):505-25. (link)
  6. Kareva I, Morin B, Karev G. Preventing the tragedy of the commons through punishment of over-consumers and encouragement of under-consumers. Bulletin of mathematical biology. 2013 Apr 1;75(4):565-88. (link)
  7. Fenichel EP, Castillo-Chavez C, Ceddia MG, Chowell G, Parra PA, Hickling GJ, Holloway G, Horan R, Morin B, Perrings C, Springborn M. Adaptive human behavior in epidemiological models. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2011 Apr 12;108(15):6306-11 (link)
  8. Hruschka DJ, Brewis AA, Wutich A, Morin B. Shared norms and their explanation for the social clustering of obesity. American Journal of Public Health. 2011 Dec;101(S1):S295-300. (link)
  9. Morin BR, Castillo-Chavez C, Hsu Schmitz SF, Mubayi A, Wang X. Notes from the heterogeneous: a few observations on the implications and necessity of affinity. Journal of biological dynamics. 2010 Sep 1;4(5):456-77.  (link)
  10. Morin BR, Medina-Rios L*, Camacho ET, Castillo-Chavez C. Static behavioral effects on gonorrhea transmission dynamics in a MSM population. Journal of theoretical biology. 2010 Nov 7;267(1):35-40.
  11. Hiebeler DE, Morin BR. The effect of static and dynamic spatially structured disturbances on a locally dispersing population. Journal of theoretical biology. 2007 May 7;246(1):136-44. (link)
Technical Reports


  1.  Annor* ASB, Buch* KR, Rodriguez-Pinzon* DA, Lin MR, Okuneye K, Morin BR Female Centered Mate Selections as an Explanatory Mechanism for Dimorphic Solutions in a Rock-Paper-Scissors Game. MTBI  Technical Reports, 2015. (link)
  2. Hamins-Puértolas M, Conrad J, Islas G, Bossogo-Egoume A, Kribs C, Morin B. Minimizing recidivism by optimizing profit: a theoretical case study of incentivized reform in a Louisiana prison. MTBI Technical Reports, 2015. (link)
  3. Buhr M*, Garcia O*, Reyes T*, Sumdani H*, Barley K, Smith A, Morin B, Mubayi A. Dynamics of Glial Cell Defense Mechanisms in Response to Ischemic Hypoxia in the Brain. MTBI Technical Reports, 2014. (link)
  4. Morin BR. Variable Susceptibility With An Open Population: A Transport Equation Approach. arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.1648. 2013 Oct 6. (link)
  5. Morin BR. Explicit Solutions to the Continuous Time Albert-Barab\’asi Scale-Free Model. arXiv preprint arXiv:1105.0882. 2011 May 4. (link)
  6. Larios-Ferrer JL*, Peterson J*, Vargas A*, Arriola L, Golinski M, Morin B. A New Perspective on Modeling Forest Fires. MTBI Technical Reports, 2010. (link)
  7. Lopez RM, Morin BR, Suslov SK. Logistic models with time-dependent coefficients and some of their applications. arXiv preprint arXiv:1008.2534. 2010 Aug 15. (link)
  8. Merckens J*, van de Geijn B*, Hociota I*, Tadaya D*, Morin B. The Dynamics of a Spatial Cyclic Competition System. MTBI Technical Reports, 2009. (link)
  9. Ayala-Valenzuela MA*, Pawling CL*, Smith AN*, Gao L, Hiebeler D, Morin BR. An Epidemiological Approach to the Dynamics of Chytridiomycosis on a Harlequin Frog Population. MTBI Technical Reports, 2006. (link)
  10. Almora J, Dowdall N, Morin B, Murillo D. An Interspecies Competition Model with Multiscale Interpretations. MTBI Technical Reports, 2005. (link)