2024 China Liase Official Website

Enshi Canyon

May 6, 2024 · No Comments

The grand canyon was spectacular. In addition to the gorgeous vistas and a ridiculous amount of stairs, there was an array of snacking along the way. the main thing that kept me going was knowing that there was going to be a snack stop coming up anytime soon. We all mostly went at our own pace, but often times met up around the snacks. There was one snack stand selling these stuffed pita pancakes. (I had 3). It was great fuel to get us going. While we were in this beautiful natural land formation there was an interesting intersection between the modern and the old. The trail was mostly composed of stairs, but at one point had an elevator against the side of the mountain to bring you to the top. (I opted for the stairs). They also had multiple escalators up and down the side of the canyon. However, just by looking at it, you wouldnt be able to tell that they were there. The ingenious of the architecture was that all modern installments were masked by traditional structures. This really made a difference when looking at the landscape it looked almost untouched by man. SO SMART! (Aza)

Categories: 03/09/24