2024 China Liase Official Website

March 4, Qianjiang Wetland (Lydia)

March 24, 2024 · No Comments

Chiara, Lydia, Max, and India on the CCNU campus.

In the morning, we attended a lecture from Professor Xia at CCNU on the crayfish-rice agricultural complex. The CCNU campus was very beautiful and I was ready to stay for much longer, but we quickly hopped on the bus and drove to our next stop.

On March 4 we left Wuhan and arrived in Qianjiang where we had lunch at Lobster City. The image above shows a sculpture of a crayfish that stood in front of the restaurant complexes. The sculpture stands about two stories high and is surrounded by plastic rice plants in a fountain. Behind the sculpture are new apartment developments.

Lobster city and the other crayfish restaurants were recently built as a summer tourist destination and as a way to develop Qianjiang’s crayfish based tourist economy. It felt very empty since March is during the off season and we were some of the only guests in the restaurant.

After lunch we drove to the Fanwan Lake National Wetland for Birds. At the preservation we attended a lecture on the wildlife in the park and technology used to monitor wildlife activity. 


Categories: 03/04/24