2024 China Liase Official Website

Day in the Stone Forest of Enshi (Suobuya) by Kathleen

March 19, 2024 · No Comments

Today we went to see the Suobuya Stone Forest in Enshi. We drove for 4 hours from Yichang on one of the most expensive highways (2 yuan per km). The bus passed through tunnels and 100m high bridges. From the road we saw the surrounding mountains slant and tilt as the road continued straight and flat.

The stone forest was Ordovician limestone, and at the entrance they had uncovered marine fossils for visitors to see. We went up paths of stairs up and down around gorges and gaps between the rocks.

The rocks were covered in moss, and when I was alone all I could hear was the sound of water dripping from moss to rock down. There were lots of look out points to see the profile of the surrounding mountains. We had dinner afterwards and checked into our hotel.

Afterwards, I got snacks at a supermarket. Some of us walked over to a lake about 50 minutes away from the hotel. The water was clear and still enough to make beautiful ripples. On the walk back we saw a street vendor and tried roasted locusts.

 It was a wonderful day 🙂

Categories: 03/08/24 · Student Updates

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