2024 China Liase Official Website

First Day in China (Demi)

March 24, 2024 · No Comments

Crossroads and Culinary Homecomings: A Vassar Voyager’s Return to Wuhan

Our First Lunch Snapshot with Demi’s Mom: Hailing/ Demi/ Lydia/ Yu Zhou/ Julia

Returning to the streets where I played as a child, now with friends in tow from my life at Vassar, was an experience I can only describe as deeply moving. Each step through Wuhan felt like retracing the lines of an old, favorite story; one that I was now sharing with new characters. Seventeen years of growth mirrored in the city’s own evolution, its streets a chronicle of change as palpable as my own.

Hailing/ Lydia/ Max/ Wenyong

Tucking into a reunion with my family amidst the familiar corners of Wuhan, the city that raised me, was like flipping through a well-loved photo album. My Vassar friends in tow, we dived headfirst into the flavorful riot of my childhood – spicy frog legs that kickstarted conversations, duck heads that nodded to inside jokes, and duck necks that crunched like crisp memories. Grandma, ever the culinary artist, ladled out her lotus soup, a bowl brimming with the warmth only a grandma’s kitchen can muster. And breakfast, oh, the Wuhan breakfast! Long-missed flavors greeting me like old friends at a homecoming.

Hotel Elevator: Aza/ Karun/ Demi/ Wenyong (Dad)/ Hailing (Mom)

Feasting in Wuhan wasn’t just about the food; it was home-cooked comfort, an edible slice of self-care. To have my friends there, laughing and soaking in my city’s stories, was to see my two worlds – the one I grew up in and the one I’ve grown into – embrace. I stood there, feeling a mix of pride and nostalgia, a bridge between my heritage and my present, grateful for every spicy, savory, soul-soothing bite. It’s in these shared meals, these shared moments, we find the happiest of times, reminding us that no matter how far we roam, our roots remain nestled in the dishes of home, and in the hearts that beat for us.

Home Cooked Feast in Wuhan

For breakfast, I had some authentic Wuhan flavors I’d longed for since my semester began—a comfort only understood by those who’ve tasted nostalgia in the form of food so deeply tied to their identity.

Traditional Wuhan Breakfast Dishes: Doupi (Beencurd Sticky Rice), Hot Dry Noodles, Soup Dumplings

In the shared laughter and wide-eyed wonder of my friends, I saw my city anew. The joy of bringing my two worlds together, of showcasing the streets and flavors that crafted the person I’ve become, was immeasurable. I basked in the pride of my origins, the love for my family, and the joy of my culture. The intersection of my Wuhan upbringing and my Vassar experiences was no longer a crossroad but a merging path, and the journey we shared is a memory I’ll treasure, a reminder that no matter where I go, Wuhan will always be home.

Traditional Cold and Spicy Dish: Duck Heads, Duck Intestines, Duck Neck, etc

In the midst of this grand adventure, as each day unfurls, my heart swells with gratitude for the unwavering support my parents have provided for my dreams at Vassar. Their belief in my path is the wind beneath my wings, propelling me toward my aspirations with a sense of home that never fades, no matter the distance. Life’s journey often winds away from our starting points, but it’s these very departures that make the return sweeter, the cultural ties deeper, and the family bond stronger. This land that has nurtured and sustained me, with its myriad of tastes, sights, and sounds, remains the cornerstone of my identity. As I chart new territories, I find comfort in the knowledge that the values instilled in me by my homeland serve as my guiding stars. For their love, their sacrifices, and their confidence in me, my gratitude knows no bounds.

Demi (left)/ Ziyao (right)

Big thanks to the Luce Fund for backing our China trip, Prof. Zhou for making this happen, and Ziyao Zhang for being an ace co-worker on this ride!

Categories: 03/02/24