Category Archives: Blog

These posts will be “blog-ish” in nature.

Summer Hiatus

Vancouver Island Seacoast

We’re on summer hiatus as Chad is busy with allocations and I’m using a lot of my vacation days. I’m also having a lot of doubts about whether or not the show is worth doing so if you would like the show to continue, please email me or leave a comment, thanks.

– Baynard

In Memory of Greg Smith

A lifelong friend of mine passed away recently – Greg Smith. We mourn his passing while we celebrate his life. Greg and I shared a passion for gaming, from table top role-playing games (like The Fantasy Trip and D&D) to console gaming and online games. Here’s a video of him from a couple years ago describing some of the prep work he was doing as our DM for a fantasy campaign that we’d been engaged with for the last thirty years:

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TalkTech guest for Thursday – Joseph Ugoretz

We are looking forward to our guest on Thursday, Joseph Ugoretz. He gave a great presentation at WordCamp 2009. His email signature follows:

Joseph Ugoretz, PhD
Director of Technology and Learning
William E. Macaulay Honors College (CUNY)
35 West 67th St.
New York, NY 10023

At WordCamp, he spoke articulately and passionately about the use of WordPress as an ePortfolio system at Macaulay. Check them out here

Vassar’s current ePortfolio system is more traditional product that the college leases. I was impressed by the model at Macaulay where students ccan use WordPress to document their work as part and parcel of their experiences as undergraduates. Instead of the ePortfolio being something you suddenly undertake as you enter the job market, it could be something that is built into your experience year to year. This seems like an excellent way for students to share their work.