Summer Hiatus

Vancouver Island Seacoast

We’re on summer hiatus as Chad is busy with allocations and I’m using a lot of my vacation days. I’m also having a lot of doubts about whether or not the show is worth doing so if you would like the show to continue, please email me or leave a comment, thanks.

– Baynard

Vassar TalkTech Episode 37

TalkTech Podcast Episode 37:

[media id=9 width=320 height=20]

You can also get it at Vassar’s iTunes U site by clicking on this link.

These are the links  for TalkTech Episode 37 on May 27th, 2010. If there is something you can’t find, please email me.

Big Tech

Social Networking Tech


Mobile Tech

Area Tech

Chester Cycle Battle

Chester Cycle Battle


Fun Tech

Vassar TalkTech Episode 36 Links

These are the links  for TalkTech Episode 36 on May 20th, 2010. If there is something you can’t find, please email me. Sorry we had no show last week due to illness and scheduling difficulties.

[media id=6 width=320 height=20]

Big Tech

Social Networking Tech


Mobile Tech

Area Tech

[media id=4 width=400 height=300]


Fun Tech

In Memory of Greg Smith

A lifelong friend of mine passed away recently – Greg Smith. We mourn his passing while we celebrate his life. Greg and I shared a passion for gaming, from table top role-playing games (like The Fantasy Trip and D&D) to console gaming and online games. Here’s a video of him from a couple years ago describing some of the prep work he was doing as our DM for a fantasy campaign that we’d been engaged with for the last thirty years:

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Vassar TalkTech Episode 35 Links

These are the links  for TalkTech Episode 35 on May 6th, 2010. If there is something you can’t find, please email me. Sorry there was no podcast for episode 34 due to technical difficulties.

[media id=3 width=320 height=20]

Big Tech

Net Neutrality Explained

Net Neutrality Explained

Social Networking Tech


Mobile Tech

Area Tech


Fun Tech

Wow on iPad

Wow on iPad

Vassar TalkTech Episode 34 Links and Media

These are the links  for TalkTech Episode 34 on April 29, 2010. If there is something you can’t find, please email me.

Big Tech

Social Networking Tech


Mobile Tech

Joe Mangrum, a sidewalk artist in Manhattan, with a device attached to his iPhone to scan credit cards and take donations.

Joe Mangrum, a sidewalk artist in Manhattan, with a device attached to his iPhone to scan credit cards and take donations.

Area Tech

  • Walkway is ‘Alright’ 10 p.m. at Shadows on the Hudson restaurant in Poughkeepsie, Screening at 11 p.m.
  • in Facebook “Keep Arthur S. May Elementary open”
  • Online Petition to keep Arthur S. May open
  • Meeting for Vassar Community Members Friday 9:30 to discuss ASM and related happenings

Please sign the petition Save Arthur S. May by clicking hereStart a Petition or online petition


Fun Tech