Blogging at the intersection of urban studies and popular music

Search Result / nu-metal, affective masculinities

nu-metal, affective masculinities and suburban identities: guest blog by Niccolo Dante Porcello (part 5)

CHAPTER FIVE CHANGE (IN THE HOUSE OF FLIES)   Mark Slobin’s concept of micromusics attending to a greater “umbrella-like overarching structure” becomes clear when looking at nu-metal. Using this as a guiding principal, the subculture of nu-metal can be understood as a reflection of a specific and important time in the past 30 years of...

nu-metal, affective masculinities and suburban identities: guest blog by Niccolo Dante Porcello (part 4)

CHAPTER FOUR FREAK ON A LEASH   As part of their day-to-day existence, audiences were seeing themselves embodied in the messages of nu-metal — Frith’s “subjective and collective identity”. The music that was speaking to commercial participants in the genre reflected their socio-economic and geographic situation by and large. Nu-metal albums in the late 1990’s...

nu-metal, affective masculinities and suburban identities: guest blog by Niccolo Dante Porcello (part 3)

CHAPTER THREE BULLS ON PARADE   In this chapter, the bare-bones aesthetics of nu-metal will be examined, ranging from what nu-metal sounds like to what nu-metal looks like, and how those particular things manifest. Nu-metal was, in many ways, an aesthetic genre that was borne out of several simultaneous moments in the chronological progression of...

nu-metal, affective masculinities and suburban identities: guest blog by Niccolo Dante Porcello (part 2)

CHAPTER TWO HEAVY METAL   Understanding what heavy metal is, as a genre, is impossible without understanding the history of heavy metal and how it came to be ubiquitous as part of the greater rock music umbrella. Prior to this however, there must be an understanding of the role that genre plays in cultural analysis...
nu-metal, affective masculinities and suburban identities: guest blog by Niccolo Dante Porcello

nu-metal, affective masculinities and suburban identities: guest blog by Niccolo Dante Porcello

[Here’s the second 2016 senior thesis in musical urbanism I’m pleased to share on this blog. Too young to experience nu-metal when it first came out, Niccolo Porcello produced this provocative hot-take on the 1990s subgenre and its roots in heavy metal and hip hop subculture. His other senior thesis adviser and I gave this...

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