
Seventh Annual Teaching with Technology Forum
Vassar College
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Results on the Fly: Using Google Docs in the Classroom
Paul Ruud (Economics) (poster)

Threading a Story in French 205: Teaching the Four Skills through Children’s Literature

Susan Hiner, Thomas Parker (French & Francophone Studies) (poster)

Saving Trees with PDF Annotation
Mary Ann Cunningham (Geography) (poster)

Mediating Visual Conversations
Carmen Garcia (Education) (poster)

Bodies and Texts in Second Life
Heather White (Religion) (poster)

Moodle at Vassar
Jeff Schneider (German Studies) (poster)

Moodle at Vassar
Michael Walsh (Religion) (poster)

Moodle at Vassar
Nick deLeeuw (Psychology) (poster)

Moodle at Vassar
Chris Smart (Chemistry) (poster)

Intercultural Learning via Videoconferencing
Silke von der Emde (German Studies) (poster)

Music at Your Fingertips: Teaching with Sibelius™
Brian Mann (Music) (poster)

Visualizing the Adolescent in American Society
Tracey Holland (Education) (poster)

Facilitating Group Work Using Wikis in Blackboard
Lucy Johnson (Anthropology) (poster)

The Dutchess Watersheds Website Project: Environmental Research, Academic Collaboration, and Community Participation
Stuart Belli (Chemistry) (poster)

Using Google Earth to Create Virtual Field Trips
Kirsten Menking (Earth Science) (poster)

Cognitive Science Research in Second Life
Ken Livingston (Cognitive Science) (poster)