what twitter is saying about #Ihaveadream?!?!

twitter is a great outlet for expression. so I did an experiment using #Ihaveadream to search for different tweets using this hashtag in unique, individual ways. these two tweets show how society has changed since the civil rights era, where Dr. martin luther king fought for equality amongst all americans white or black. as I was searching for tweets I saw an interesting trend in the sincerity of them all, most were either really serous either praising and glorifying the great Dr. martin luther king or making funny modern day tweets on some petty rivalries amongst countries and or even actual dreams.

my first tweet is the more sincere, and serious one. this person is referencing to the ” I have a dream speech” Martin Luther KIng addressed at the height of the civil rights era.

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my second tweet is the funny, and light tweet. about the ” rivalry” between algerian’s and moroccans. which I find to be true at times, but sort of a stereotype that all moroccans and algerians hate each other. my family friend is algerian and we’re really close and hear that all the time about ” oh I heard algerians and moroccans are supposed to hate each other”.

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lastly, I feel that it is kinda disrespectful to use MLK’s i have a dream, in vain like that. to show moroccan and algerians “beef” because it is nothing like the way african americans were treated during the 1960’s and up until now sometimes. But I also the humorous side of this tweet as well when she states ” imagine how beautiful r kids would be”.

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