Setting up Office Hours in Google Calendar

In Google Calendar, you can designate time slots for which your students can sign up. Here’s how: (Scroll down for video)

  1. In your Google calendar, drag your mouse over the time period in which you want to set up your office hours.
  2. Click on “Appointment slots.”
  3. Give the event a title, like “Office Hours.”
  4. Determine the length of individual slots within this time period.
  5. Click on the pencil icon to edit the event.
  6. Set the repeat settings. e.g., every 1 week through December 29. Click “Done” to save your repeat settings.
  7. Enter location and description, if you like. Click the “Save” button to save everything

To send the invitation to your students:

  1. Click on any of the instances of your office hours.
  2. Click on the pencil icon again.
  3. Right-click onĀ “This calendar’s appointment page” and, from the dropdown menu, choose “Copy link address.”
  4. You can email this URL to your students or create a link to it in your Moodle course sites.

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