Shamara and Evans’s podcast:
Do you know what you’re eating?
Do you know where your meat comes from and what they do with the skin after the cow is killed? Basically, I’m asking if you know where your leather boots come from.
Well, I know and I’m going to tell you what I know.
There are 63 different types of beef cattle and they come from all over the world. Different stores carry different fed meats, some carrying better fed meats than others. One type is grass-fed and another type is farm-fed.
The difference is that grass-fed cows are fed grass, so they receive more nutrients and have juicier meat. Farm-fed cows are not fed grass, but fed another type of grain, so they don’t receive as many nutrients and that is why their meat is not as juicy. The farm-fed cows are cramped into a small space that does not have any windows. Sometimes they don’t even feed them food at all.
Factory farms and leather companies are connected and linked together. So after the cow is killed, the skin gets sent to the leather company that sells to the clothing companies that then sells to the clothing stores where you buy your boots.
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