Category Archives: Gaby Whelan

Our Last Post! (Taylor, Megan, Gaby, & Sarah)

Today, we worked on our video that was about making paper stars. We finished writing our script, and then we recorded our lines for the video. It took forever, but we finally got it done after a lot of editing. We even added in a ton of “magical” sounds like bells and chimes. Even our transition had to do with stars! By the end of the video, you should be able to make your very own lucky stars too! You’ll never have bad luck again!

Megan & Gaby 11/4

Today, Megan worked with Taylor to film their video. We went outside and Megan first taught Taylor, Sarah and me to make paper Lucky Stars. Then, we found a nicer set and tried out some things to record before recording the final product. The first couple of takes definitely resulted in some funny bloopers! In the final take, Megan taught Taylor how to make a Lucky Star while recording (and cured her bad luck!). Next week, we’ll edit!


Gaby & Megan 10/28

Today, we decided to brainstorm about what we should film next week. At first we thought about maybe a video about drawing, or how to draw. However. a DIY also seemed like a lot of fun. We eventually settled on something a bit like both–kind of artsy but also teaching you how to do something. Next week, we plan to do a How To video on Lucky Stars.


Hi Megan,

I’m so sorry that you’re sick! I hope you feel better soon and have a nice, relaxing week.

Can’t wait to upload your awesome Spooky SCARY SKELETONS video when we meet again in two weeks! Just in time for Halloween:)


The SLO Exam: Podcast Creation

Today, we used the script that we wrote last week to record the podcast about SLO testing in school. Megan started by recording the podcast in Audacity and then played around with editing and music to make our finished project. It took some time to find the right song to go with the PSA because there weren’t that many options on the computer that fit well with the podcast. We’re very happy with the final product!

The SLO Exam

The SLO exam is taken in fall and spring, and is used to measure your improvement during the year. It often makes you write essays in classes that have absolutely nothing to do with writing. For example, when do you ever have to write an essay in band? Art? Never, unless of course you are taking the SLO; which is supposed to gauge your development in that class. How exactly is a writing assignment supposed to show how you improved in a class that requires playing an instrument or drawing a picture? The thing is that it really doesn’t; you could just completely refuse to take the exam in the beginning or just not try very hard, then, at the end of the year try on it a bit to show some sort of fake improvement. It would be much better to have an exam that has to do with the class. In band, why not do a solo? In art, you could draw a picture and try to redraw it at the end of the year to show your refinement in that medium.

Gaby’s Introduction

Gaby's Profile Picture

Gaby Whelan

My name is Gaby and I’m a junior here at Vassar. I’m a math major pursuing secondary school teaching certification and I hope to teach high school after I graduate. I’ve loved my Education courses so far and I’m looking forward to learning about digital storytelling this semester!