Sunday Motivation: Start Doing

National Geographic Photo of the Day: Pilgrims' Progress by Michael George

National Geographic Photo of the Day: Pilgrims’ Progress by Michael George

We’ve taken a little break from Sunday Motivation for a few weeks – in part to reclaim our Sundays and in part to stop thinking about productivity/habits/workflow, and start actually doing the work.  Today we bring you some advice and encouragement to just start doing – anything. Start doing, start walking down the path. And remember, as Leo Babauta of Zen Habits writes, “don’t worry about whether you’ll do it for 10 minutes or an hour. Don’t worry about how good you’ll be at it, or what people will think of it, or whether you’ll succeed or not. Those are not relevant to the task.” Take off a little bit of the pressure to achieve, and focus on doing.

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