Carly Bloomfeld VC computer science major reports on the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Science 2015

Carly Bloomfeld was among the group of computer science majors  who attended the 2015 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. Carly reported that the conference was a great experience. A major aspect of it was the job fair with representatives from hundreds of different tech companies doing interviews on-site. Lectures on a wide range of topics such as how to get involved in open-source programming and how virtual reality technology can be used for social good were especially compelling. The conference was a great opportunity for job searching, networking, and simply learning about technology!

hoppersGracehoppers! Posing here with a campus poster honoring legendary computing innovator/Vassar alumna/former VC math professor Grace Hopper ’28, During the college’s October break week computer science professor Jennifer Walter (third from left) is led the large VC contingent to this informative and empowering conference for computing females of many ages, which attracts roughly 10,000 international attendees ( Read more about the event’s namesake via the online Vassar Encyclopedia: Some of the “Hoppers” were funded by the Asprey Center for Collaborative Approaches to Science while others won one-time-only awards from the organizations that fund the conference.